Sunday, February 22, 2015

Law of Love (Part 2): God’s Agape Our Model

Pastor Jose V. Velasco   

Read: Matthew 5:43-48

   This is a continuation of the preceding reflection. From the context of our Bible reading we can understand that what Jesus meant when He enjoined “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”, was to be perfect like God in love. To Jesus the model of our loving must be that of God. But how can we have an idea of that love? We can know it in Jesus Christ because He is the image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). He reflects all the nature of God (Col. 1:19, 2:9), including His Love. Hence, He could say, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (Jn. 15:12).

Photo by: Destiny East Gate Ministries

   How would we characterize God’s love as revealed in Jesus and His words? If we are to love like God does, it is important that we know this.

   First, it is unconditional. It is free. Many think they will earn God’s favor by their good deeds and character. If this is true no one would ever obtain God’s love because even the best of us is an unworthy sinner. The prodigal son planned to offer his services to his father to earn his father’s welcome back into the home. But before the son could do this, the father has already welcomed him (Lk. 15:17-20). God loves the sinner without any strings attached (Rom. 5:8) God also wants us to love unconditionally. Unlike a politician who may be very outgoing to get votes. And it is so hard to love a person who is proud, belligerent, selfish and uncaring. We think they do not deserve to be loved. But Jesus commands, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Mt. 5:44). We love even the undeserving because they, too, are God’s children and He loves them also.

   Second, God’s love gives generously. “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son” (Jn. 3:16). Jesus was God’s greatest and best gift to us. But He also gives us all our other material and spiritual needs. He gave even our lives. If we are to love like God we must also be generous in giving. But giving does not only include money and other material things. The Good Samaritan who rescued the helpless victim of robbery gave his time, his first-aid skill and his money (Lk. 10:33-37). He even sacrificed his business agenda for the day. And God gave the greatest sacrifice, His Son, to save us. In like manner we must also sacrificially serve the needy. Serving the needs of the destitute and suffering is a tangible expression of our love for them. Jesus summed up His mission by saying, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mt. 20:28). And yet Jesus said that when we serve the poor and needy we serve God also (Mt.25:40, 45).

   Third, God’s love is forgiving. God is like the father of the prodigal son who forgave his son unconditionally. Jesus also forgave the adulterous woman (Jn. 8:11). Then when Jesus was hanging on the cross He prayed for the forgiveness of His torturers. We must also forgive people who offend and do wrong to us (Mt. 6:14-15). 

   You may be saying agape love is too idealistic and impossible for us. You are right. Humanly speaking we can never fulfill it. But with God it is possible. First, God pours “out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 5:5). Second, He enables us to practice it. He does this when we are truly connected to Him in faith. Of course, our love is still imperfect because of our human frailty. But God is slowly working in us to perfect it unto eternity.

Prayer: Lord, fill me with your love that I may be able to love others as you would love them. In the name of your Son Jesus Christ whom you sent to the world because of your love.  Amen.

Law Of Love (Part 1)

Jesus & Mary: Scene from the movie Passion of Christ

by:  Pastor Jose V. Velasco

Read: Matthew 22:34-40

   We commonly think of February as the month of love. So we will reflect on love this month. When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment readily He answered, “love the Lord your God...” And second, “love your neighbor...” (Mt. 22:37-39). Jesus says that all of God’s laws are based on these two commandments (40). In the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) the first four commandments relate to loving God, and the last six relate to loving fellow human beings. In general all God’s teachings in the Old and New Testaments relate to loving God and people.

   The Greeks had several categories of love. There is eros which is marital love. Filia is also the general love for people like family, friends, and neighbors. Karitas is the love of humans to God. Agape is God’s love to human beings. Agape is the highest and purest form of love. It is totally unselfish, unconditional and undeserved. The closest common example of Jesus for agape was the love of a parent to his/her child (Mt. 7:9-11). A parent provides generously what is best for his/her child because of love.  I knew of a couple who had a 7-year old son who was just like a 2-month old infant. The boy could not get up and communicate. The parents did their very best to care for him very lovingly and tenderly. They knew that the child will never be able to reciprocate their love and sacrifices for him, but they still did their best to love and care for him. Here is a human example of agape, - unconditional and undeserved love. Of course, the parent’s love, though in way the closest model so far for agape, is still imperfect. No human being can equal God in loving.

   Yet, Jesus enjoins that agape should be our model in loving. Jesus modified the second Great Commandment which enjoins us to love others like we love ourselves (Mt. 22:39). He said, “Love each other as I have loved you” (Jn. 15:12), not as you love yourself. Agape, which is God’s love, should be the model. Thus Jesus made new the old command based on self-love.  He said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (Jn. 13:34).

   With this new command of Jesus making agape (God’s love) as the model of love what will happen to the other categories of love? Are they eliminated? No. There is still marital love, family love, love of all other people, and love of God. But all these other kinds of love must be characterized by the spirit and quality of agape: unselfish, unconditional and sacrificial.  So we must love as God loves. In the next mid-month reflection
we shall discuss more about the nature of agape love and how we may possess and practice it.

Prayer: Lord God, imbue us with your love that we may love like you love. In the name of your Son who has demonstrated that love in His earthly life and death on the cross we pray. Amen. 

Come, Follow Me

Painted by: Christ Calling the First Disciples
Philip Richard Morris
By: Pastor Jose V. Velasco

Read: Matthew 4:18-22

   “Come, follow me.” These were Jesus’ words when He called Simon Peter and Andrew to become His disciples (Mt. 4:19). We presume He also called James and his brother John with these same words (Mt. 4:21). Again, when Jesus called Matthew He said, “Follow me” (Mt. 9:9). And in a sense Jesus still calls us today to follow Him. It is well for us to contemplate on this as we enter this new year.  And if you are not yet following Him you may decide to do so.

   What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? First, it is to be in intimate company with Him. This happens when we say to Him, “Yes, I want to follow and be with you forever.” Then we pledge to Him our love, trust, obedience and service. In this relationship we accept completely His lordship. We resolve to do nothing but His will and desires. This is complete submission to Him. But this submission is never servile and demeaning. In fact, just the reverse. It is dignifying and uplifting. It is not servile because Jesus considers us as His friends (Jn. 15:14-15). The submission is not humiliating, but like the prodigal son when he came home, the loving and forgiving embrace of his father, the ring, the best robe, comfortable shoes, and lavish banquette restored dignity and honor to the lost beloved son (Lk. 15:22-24). This is what you would become if you come to Jesus Christ. Second, to follow Jesus is to live like He lived. In 1 John 2:6 we read, “- - whoever says that he remains in union with God should live just as Jesus Christ did” (Good News Version). In the Reflection, Renewal and Change, this was  mentioned as the goal of renewal. Third, to follow Him is to hear and obey His words and teachings. This is an affirmation of our love to Him. If we love Him we obey His words (Jn. 14:15, 21, 23). Definitely following Jesus in these ways is what it means to be a real Christian.

  Note that when these men followed Jesus they gave up their livelihood (Mt. 4:20, 22; 9:9). I know of teachers who gave up teaching when they became pastors. But this is not a requirement for all. I know of a lawyer, a dentist and a physician in the Philippines who became pastors but did not entirely give up their professional livelihood. What they did was to incorporate their careers in their ministry. And this also helped them financially because they could do ministry even with low pay. Paul continued his tent making after becoming a missionary. We have to seek God’s guidance regarding this as He impresses it upon us. But I am also thinking of things that we must give up totally if we follow Christ. We must give up the old sinful life. We must get rid of anything that displeases our new Lord and Friend. (Colossians 3:5-9).

   We said above that Christ still calls people to follow Him today. How? Through the preaching and teaching of the gospel. Through the influence of your families, friends, neighbors, other Christians, reading the Bible and other Christian literature, and all other ways in which the gospel is proclaimed. The call may have already come to you, but have you responded positively?

   If you are now a follower of Christ the challenge is to be faithful. Many temptations to backslide come. But Jesus says, “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev. 2:10). Will you be a faithful follower until the end?

Prayer: Lord, let me hear your call and answer positively. Let me be your faithful and loyal follower until the end. In your blessed name. Amen.