Saturday, May 2, 2015

Peter Restored

Pastor Jose V. Velasco

Read John 21:15-15
Photo owned by  Simon the Rock
   Jesus knew that Peter, in spite of his denying Him, has not completely given up on Him. Hearing the first word that Jesus’ body was missing at the tomb he and John immediately ran to the tomb to check what happened. This showed that the two still lovingly cared for their Lord. So Jesus gave Peter a chance to reaffirm his love and faith to Him. This happened at the Sea of Tiberias (V. 1).

   Three times Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” Jesus asked Peter this question because love is our primary link to Him. There are other secondary links like trust, commitment and obedience. But all of these are generated by our love to Christ. Some people think they are Christian because they were baptized, they regularly go to church, they make large contributions to the church and to other charities, they can recite the Lord’s Prayer and the creeds, and they do considerable sacrificial volunteering to the work of the church. But Paul says that all shows of religion are meaningless if they are devoid of love (1 Cor. 13:1-3). However, when these outward acts of religion are motivated by love to God and people they are truly virtuous and honorable. Why did Jesus repeat His question to Peter three times? Some explain that He did it to remind Peter of the triple denials and must truly repent. Another explanation is to get the thought of loving Jesus sink deeper into Peter’s mind and heart. This may happen to us too when we repeat pondering on a strikingly meaningful Bible passage. The impact of its truth on our thoughts and hearts intensifies. And its meaning gets clearer and richer.

   Jesus’ triple response to Peter’s pledge of love was to urge him to serve the needs of His flock or people. Genuine love is not just an emotion, but also an action. Because God loves humankind He gave His Son (Jn. 3:16). Because He loved the Hebrew people suffering in miserable slavery in Egypt God acted to deliver them through Moses and Aaron (Exodus 3:7-10). So Jesus asks us, do you love me? I believe more of us would say, yes I love you. By what actions would you then prove your love to Him?  When we lovingly serve the needy and poor we prove our love to Jesus. Loving and serving others is serving Jesus (Mt. 25:40, 45). We love Jesus by sharing His words with others. We love Jesus when we live an exemplary Christian life before people. We love Him when we support the work of His church by our prayers, gifts and volunteering services. We love Him when we obey His teachings and live like Him.

   All of us are like Peter who frequently stumble and fall spiritually and morally. We commit mistakes. But in humility we can come to God and sincerely ask His forgiveness. Absolutely, He is ever ready to forgive and cleanse us of all our shortcomings and to restore us to Himself (1 Jn. 1:9). This does not mean that we are free to just deliberately sin again because God is forgiving anyway. His forgiveness is not that cheap. After we repent and are forgiven, with His help, we must also do our best to avoid sin and live pure lives. Like what He said to the sinful woman, He also says to us, “Go and sin no more” (Jn.8:11).

Prayer: I am just a weak human being, Lord, and I commit sins in my thoughts, words and deeds. I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness. Help me to avoid things that you hate, and lead me to do things that only please and glorify you. In the Name of Christ our Savior we pray. Amen.

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