Wednesday, August 5, 2015


by:  Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr.
    The kingdom of God was so basic and central in the teachings and ministry of Jesus. He opened His ministry by repeating the words of John the Baptist, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Mt. 3:2; 4:17). Jesus said that His miracles and healing were powerful signs that the kingdom of God has now come and is real (Mt. 12:28). His teachings were the principles of life in the kingdom. During His last moments with His disciples physically, before He ascended to heaven, the theme of His conversation with them was the kingdom (Acts. 1:3b).

   What is the kingdom of God? By the way, the term more common in Matthew is the kingdom of heaven which carries the same meaning. During Jesus’ time the Jews popularly thought of the kingdom as a political rule. Hence, the Jews told Pilate that if Jesus was king He was displacing Caesar, Rome’s emperor. And they were pledging their allegiance to the emperor and not to Jesus (Jn. 19:12, 15c). 

  Jesus Himself explained that His kingdom (or God’s kingdom) is not a political rule. When asked by Pilate if He is a king, Jesus implicitly agreed by saying, “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jn. 18:36). So He is a king. But His kingship is not of the same category as of Caesar’s or of any other earthly ruler. God’s kingdom is moral and spiritual. The best definition of the kingdom so far is in the Lord’s Prayer. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” (Mt. 6:10). Combining the two phrases here, it means that the kingdom is wherever and whenever God’s will is known and obeyed.

   Jesus said, “- - the kingdom of God is within you” (Lk. 17:21.). It is not necessarily in a geographical place, but in our hearts and lives. When a person believes in God and firmly resolves to know His will and obey it God reigns in him/her. The kingdom is real in that person here and now.  Furthermore, when this happens to people it impacts the way they live their secular life. The principles of the kingdom which are God’s words and teachings will be carried over into their work places, home life, relationships, businesses and politics, thus influencing society.

   So it is not a reality that we are waiting to enter into only after death. Wherever God and His will is reigning there is already the kingdom of God. However, it is not yet completely established since all around us there is still much that is contrary to God’s will. Evil is still a fact. But our firm hope is that at the end of time, when Christ will come again, God will ultimately defeat all evils. And He shall reign forever and ever.

   Jesus invites us to enter that kingdom now by our believing, loving and obeying Him. We will all still die physically, but according to Paul departing from this life is only to be with Christ in His eternal kingdom. (Phi. 1:23). Now is the best time to prepare for and receive that kingdom (2 Cor. 6:2b).

Prayer: Lord, unless we are in your kingdom we are surely lost. With the help of your Holy Spirit may you help us to forsake all things that are against you, and completely live by your holy will. May you establish your total reign in us. For the sake of your dear Son, we pray. Amen.

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