Monday, September 26, 2016

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco

   Jesus’ praying must have impressed the disciples so deeply that one of them asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1). Prayer is the human part in our conversation with God. In prayer we present to God our requests (Phil. 4:6). So, we begin considering some characteristics of prayer.

We will mention 3 types of prayer, but other types may be added also.

1) Individual personal prayer. You alone are with God. Jesus practiced this. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mk. 1:35). After feeding the 5,000 ”he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray” (Mt. 14:23). Peter prayed alone (Acts 10:9). Jesus taught people to pray alone (Mt. 6:6). Here you may pray for things that are so personal and private. And no one will bother how long you pray.

2) Corporate/group praying. Jesus taught praying with others. Jesus promised that where several people pray together He will be in their midst and hear them (Mt. 18:19-20). Group praying is supportive and encouraging.

3) Casual praying. This is unplanned for praying. Out of the blue a very important concern pops up in your mind and you pray silently. You could be at home, on a train or bus, at work, but you pray silently. Surely God hears your prayer. Which type should we use? All these types, and others, should be used according to circumstances and needs. God hears them all as long as they come from a truly believing heart. Jesus promised, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Mt. 7:7).

Paul’s admonition was, “Pray continually” (1 Thess. 5:17). Praying must be regular. To fulfill this it helps if you designate a specific time and place in your home to pray. Being alone it may be in your own bed room. As a family the dining room may do. It would be ideal for a family to pray together. The saying goes, “a family that prays together stays together.” If this is not possible each may pray individually according to the convenient time each has. I encourage praying daily. Some devotional pamphlets are helpful like the Daily Bread, Upper Room or Today.  In the home children and youths must be taught to pray.

 How do we learn to pray? The Lord’s prayer is our perfect pattern for prayer. What are some aids in learning to pray? We can learn from the prayers of others, written or spoken. We must actually pray to learn. Much could only be learned by actual doing. We do not learn swimming by just reading a book on swimming. You have to actually swim. Be simple in your praying. In public do not be shy. God looks at the sincerity of your heart, not how elaborate and polished you pray is. Finally, ask the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you how to pray. He is the best teacher. Prayer is the power line that connects us to the Source of power, peace, joy, guidance and all heavenly blessings. You must pray regularly.

Prayer: Thank you, dear God for the gift of prayer. Help us to love and learn how to pray. May we make prayer a very important and regular part of our daily lives. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray. Amen.

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