Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Learning To Make Every Second Worthwhile - What MAKES UP Memories?

Learning To Make Every Second Worthwhile 

What MAKES UP  Memories?
by: Peregrino V. Taccad, Jr.

Excerpts of my memorable past and the lessons I gained from them
A person’s life is a continuous unraveling story, from conception down to his last breath. Each life is bounded by time, counted by milestones of year, the very reason why we celebrate our birthdays and make it very memorable each year. Whatever happens within a minute of that life is entirely different from anything happened before that. It could be a repetition of the previous actions but it is never the same. New things, new circumstances continuously flow like a fast moving conveyor taking us through life’s various points of no return. No one can possibly rewind one’s life, except God.

Situations are combinations of planned course of actions and unplanned, accidental and surprising occurrences. They are blends of good, neutral and bad forces surrounding our existence. As we go through many situations from birth to present, memories have been continuously and inevitable stacking up. Some makes you smile, some makes you burst to tears, some are teeth-gritting, and some are worth burying into the cemetery of forgotten as they are too insignificant to remember.

Our ultimate goal in this life is to create all pleasant, meaningful and purposeful memories, life-giving and inspirational traces of footsteps wherever we go and whatever the situation we may encounter. We are here on earth to turn curses to blessings; to sow seed of joy despite sadness; to display love, affection and understanding amidst abominable circumstances; and to teach the younger generations to live in harmony and peace with one another despite differences in colors, races, cultures, principles and beliefs.

I remember in my High School days, in our subject, Military Science, we were made to recite the famous verse of Stephen Grellet that goes this way:

"I shall pass through this world but once; any good, therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. "
In my subsequent postings, I will be featuring excerpts of my memorable past that leave life’s lessons worthy to be shared to everyone who are patient enough to read follow my blog. I do hope you will share your experiences too.

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