Wednesday, October 8, 2014

On Spiritual Family: The Strong Family Members

On Spiritual Family: The Strong Family Members

In our physical families, the older siblings usually have STRONGER personalities than that of the younger ones, considering that they are physically and emotionally more mature and physically more able. They usually live up to that authority over the younger. If they did not receive proper guidance, they become the bully and will only do what they want with the weaker siblings. Unfortunately, the weaker will have no choice but to follow. But, if nurtured with love and good values, they become the protector, the role model, and the good leader. They will develop to become fully responsible, looking after the welfare of their younger brothers/sisters.

In most rural areas in the Philippines, the eldest brother/sister usually is given the task to oversee the younger siblings while the parents are away into their jobs. The parents tend to put all their resources onto the eldest child's education so that in turn, he will take care of financing the education of his younger sibling as soon as he finished a DEGREE and get a job. I consider this a systematic way to train and direct him to a certain goal and give him enough determination to pursue his career and be responsible later in his life.

Paul also used this strategy in training the STRONGER Christians, directed them toward a goal, that is to nurture the weaker Christians, and he admonished them to bear with their weaknesses. He discouraged them from being so radical and insensitive, but rather advised them to handle with extreme care their delicate status as weaker disciples.

He laid out the responsibility of the strong believers when he wrote to the Romans:

To accept the weak and young believers, as GOD did accept them (Rom. 14:1,3)
To not despise the weak believer (Rom. 14:2)
To not pass judgment on him because of his immature beliefs (Rom 14:3-4; 10)
To not put a stumbling block in his way (Rom. 14:13,20)
To show love by not exposing them to things that will bring out their weakness (Rom. 14:15)
To be willing to sacrifice so as not to ruin weaker ones (Rom. 14:15)
To pursue peace in the body of Christ (Rom. 14:17,19)
To edify and build up the weak believer, putting up stepping stones to growth (Rom. 14:19)
To not flaunt our liberty before our weak brother (Rom. 14:22)
To bear patiently his weaknesses (Rom. 15:1)
To not be pleasing self (Rom. 15:1)

The strong church members do not please themselves. They do not gratify their own selfish desires. They don't boss around, but aim for the edification and maturity of their brothers and sisters, even if this involves personal sacrifice and self-denial. They sincerely speak to inspire, build up, teach, correct and educate, rather than offensively criticize or embarrass those who are ignorant or make negative comments about them at their backs. They know how to appreciate the petty achievements of the less mature brothers so as to encourage them to take another step higher, do better and accomplish more. Literally, they will be on support all the way till the weaker Christians can face more difficult challenges in their spiritual lives.

 How far have we gone to call ourselves "Strong"?
 How far can we go in patiently tolerating the weakness of the weaker Christian and train him to become spiritually stable?
 Up to what extent can we give ourselves (our time, effort, love and understanding) to others whom we nurture to become spiritually strong?
 What were the instances that we put a brother/sister on a stumbling situation? What should we do to rectify this?

Make a list of those whom you perceive to be weak brothers and sisters. Corresponding to their names, put their concerns, also indicate your action points to help them BECOME STRONGER.

Keep this in mind:
We all started as young, vulnerable and helpless Christians. Without the forbearance of the STRONGER ones, we did not reach this spiritual level we are now standing on. Some are now strong lay leaders, some became evangelists, and some are deeply engaged into the missionary works. All these happened because the strong brothers and sisters took courage, patience and sacrifice in nurturing us to become better spiritual family members.

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