Saturday, September 23, 2017

Be Prepared for a Real Christmas Experience

by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr.

   “. . .prepare the way for the Lord” (Isa. 40:3). 

     These words from Isaiah are commonly used as text for sermons on the preparation for Christmas. Good and right preparation would really help us to experience the deep meaning of Christmas. How should we prepare? Let us mention some ways:

     First, we should prepare our hearts and minds to receive the Lord and His words. In the New King James Version Psalms 10:17 says, “Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart.” Before Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary went to some inns and homes looking for a lodging place. But there was no room for them (Lk.2:7). Is that not the case with many people? They are just too preoccupied with so many things that they do not have room for God. So they miss Him. When He comes you must open your heart to Him to receive Him (Rev. 3:20). You must also open your heart and mind to His words. The shepherds listened intently to God’s words through the angels and they were blessed (Lk. 2:15-16). Paul says that listening to God’s words creates faith (Rom. 10:17). So you must listen with passion and real interest.

     Second, we must be prepared to respond to God’s call. When both the wise men and the shepherds heard that the Messiah was born they went seeking for Him. Because they responded they found the baby Jesus. God specifically calls to us seek Him. “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isa.55:6). We must diligently seek God and His words in the Bible, in worship and in Christian fellowship. He calls us to fulfill specific tasks in life. He calls us to full-time service in His kingdom. We must pray the Holy Spirit to lead us to our life mission and to fulfill it according to His will and for His glory.

     Third, be prepared to dedicate your life to the Lord Jesus. This is what all those who found the baby Jesus did. The wise men did this by offering their gifts to Jesus (Mt. 2:11b). The shepherds spread the birth news with joy and excitement; and they glorified and praised God (Lk. 2:17, 20). Mary treasured the experience and kept it in her heart (Lk. 2:19). She did not just forget all about it afterward. Joseph took the role of Jesus’ foster father. How do you show your dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you witness for Him through your words and deeds? Do you serve Him with your gifts, times, substance and services? Are you willing to sacrifice for Him?

     Lord Jesus, You come to us, not only on Christmas time, but all the time. May we always be prepared to receive you with open, joyful and obedient hearts. May you make your home and throne in our hearts. In your blessed Name. Amen.

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