Sunday, September 24, 2017

Living in God’s Kingdom 1

by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr.   

     Let us ever keep in mind that God’s kingdom is not something we just wait for after this life is over or when Jesus comes again. It is a reality that begins here and now, but continues in the life to come. It begins in our personal lives the moment we accept God as our Lord and King, and we lovingly and willingly obey His words. When society is governed by God’s principles as set forth in His commandments and words, then society also becomes His kingdom. Because of the presence of sin, the kingdom is not yet fully established on earth. But like the mustard plant that starts from a small seed the kingdom will also grow (Mt. 13:31-32). When Jesus comes again He shall fully establish it by defeating all the forces of sin and evil which are opposed to it. Then God shall perfectly reign forever and ever.

     By our true submission to God’s will we are now in God’s kingdom. How should we live in the Kingdom?  There is a mark difference between living in the kingdom of God and living in the kingdom of Satan. The kingdom of Satan is in direct contrast to the kingdom of God. Hence, in His prayer Jesus said that His followers are in the world, but not of the world (Jn. 17:11, 14). The world here means the kingdom of Satan, and God’s people do not follow the life-style in Satan’s kingdom.

    God’s kingdom has its own distinct culture, different from that of Satan. One parable likens the kingdom to a wedding banquet (Mt. 22:1-2, 11-13). All guests must wear a specific banquet attire. The host, who was a king, noticed that one guest was not wearing the proper attire. The king ordered that guest to be brought out and be excluded from the banquet. The banquet attire stands for the kingdom- culture, or the life-style in the kingdom. Missing that culture or life-style will disqualify us from continuing in the kingdom. How would we know that culture or life-style? They are spelled out in God’s commandments, the teachings of Jesus and the apostolic teachings. To sum it all up, it is revealed in the very life of Jesus. Paul said, “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14). We can see fully in Jesus Christ the life-style in the kingdom. Live like He lived to remain fit in the kingdom.

     I can hear some objections to this requirement of living in the kingdom of God. No one can fully live like Christ because He is perfect and sinless, and we are not. So no one shall ever enter God’s kingdom. But first, to be like Christ is not the condition to be in the kingdom. It is a description of the life in the kingdom. And it is the by-product of being in the kingdom. The condition to be in the kingdom is faith, surrender and commitment of life to God in Christ. And second, God does not expect us to live like His Son if it is not possible. It is possible, not because we are able to, but because God will enable and empower us by the Holy Spirit to be like His Son (2 Cor. 3:18). All we do is to aspire and ask Him to remold us to be like Him. What are the characteristics of the life in the kingdom? We will discuss this question in the succeeding reflection.

     Lord, we thank you for your gift of the kingdom. Help us to surrender fully our will to you that your will may be completely done in our lives. In Jesus’ Holy name we pray. Amen.

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