Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to Enter the Kingdom of God


by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr.

     Jesus talked about entering the kingdom. To enter the kingdom one must become like a little child (Lk. 18:17). It is harder for a rich person who values more his wealth than God to enter the kingdom (Lk. 18:24). One must throw away anything that causes him/her to sin in order to enter the kingdom of God (Mk. 947). 

       To understand the topic we should recall briefly the definition of the kingdom. It is a condition or state of life in which God is totally reigning. Before Adam and Eve sinned God was completely reigning. The garden of Eden where God put Adam and Eve was thus God’s kingdom (Gen. 2:8). But when Adam and Eve sinned Satan’s partial rule was introduced. And God banished them out and they lost the kingdom (Gen.3:23). In sin we are all now under the kingdom of Satan. But God wants everyone to be saved, to be restored into His kingdom (1 Tim. 2:4; Ezekiel 18:23). God has been working on this which is the story of the whole Bible. What God did to finally accomplish this was to send Jesus to die on the cross to offer His forgiveness and redemption. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins”- -(Eph. 1:7).

      But what must we do to appropriate this offer of forgiveness from the cross? Since sin which is disobedience and rebellion against God is keeping us out of God’s kingdom, we must renounce that sin to re-enter the kingdom, and we must submit to God’s total will and rule. This is repentance. Peter told those listening to him on the day of Pentecost, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” (Acts 2:38). Repentance is forsaking all the sins and evils we are doing. Sin and evil do not belong in the kingdom. They must be gone forever.

      Repentance is an inner act of the will. It is a decision and inclination in the mind and heart to avoid sin and do God’s will. It is a spiritual renewal. Hence, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. ---no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit” (Jn. 3:3, 5).  It is an inner purging of the heart and mind.

      Then this inner renewal expresses itself in outward and tangible change in life style. We  must now live by God’s rules. These are defined in the Ten Commandments, the teachings of the prophets and the teachings and life of Jesus. These are further explained in the apostolic writings in the New Testament. Hence, we must diligently study these rules and follow them in our lives.

     As we learn God’s will in the Holy Scriptures we must also ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand them and empower us to apply them. Have you now invited God to reign in your life? Are you now living in the kingdom? You can do that right now by praying sincerely as follows:

       Lord, I open my life to you. May you come and reign in me. Help me to know your will and help me to live by them. Help me to forsake and avoid all things that are against you. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

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