Saturday, September 23, 2017

Crucified But Alive

By Pastor Jose V. Velasco Jr.
 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). 
     It is well to reflect on these words of St. Paul as we commemorate Christ's death and resurrection this Lenten Week. What Christ experienced during His last three days on earth is the very experience that happens when a person commits his/her life to Christ. On Good Friday Jesus Christ died physically on the cross, but on Easter day He rose again from the grave. As we believe in Christ we die to our old self of sin. But we live anew to a life of righteousness in Him. How do this dying and living anew take place? 
     First, the one that controls our lives must be changed. God was in control of Adam and Eve's lives before they sinned. They were enjoying peace and happiness. But when they abandoned God and took Satan to control their lives they got into trouble and lost Paradise. Generally, we have all fallen into that miserable state of life. Paul explains this in Romans 6:15-18. What we all urgently need is the reinstatement of the original controller of our lives. That is God. When God is in complete control of life, Paradise is restored. Maybe, many of us think that we have not abandoned God as the controller of our life. That is not true. We have replaced God with many other smaller gods: wealth, power, entertainment, fame, self. 
     Second, when God controls our lives what happens? "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Cor. 5:17). Christ here means God. When God takes over our lives there is a complete change. Our values, aspirations, priorities, ambitions, desires, inclinations and tastes are all transformed. They become godly. The old ones are all gone. Therefore, our life-style, behavior, actions, speech, the places we hang out to, the people we hang out with all become consistent with Christ. 
     Third, how can God be the controller or Lord of our lives? There is a verse in Revelation that explains this very well (Rev. 3:20). Christ is here pictured as knocking at the door and if we welcome Him He will come to fellowship with us. He will also direct our lives to the right path. God will not impose His rule on us because He respects our freedom. Hence, open your heart and welcome Him to rule your entire life. Completely surrender. Will you do that now if you have not done it yet before? May God bless you.

Lord, come in right now into my life and take full control of me. I want you to be my Lord and Savior. Make me like your Son Jesus Christ. May I live completely for your glory. In Jesus' name I pray

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