by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr.
Photo is owned by No Demo Monkey |
We are Children of the King, our God. But we
are also His servants. There are people who resent the idea of being God’s
servants. One reason is they equate servant with slave. And surely God would not enslave human beings
whom He created as His children. He created them free to decide for themselves.
The master may own and treat his slave like he does his working animals. And
the master may do anything with his slave. The slave cannot leave his master
unless the latter freely releases him. In contrast, the servant is not the
property of his boss. He is hired to work for him. And they bilaterally agree
on the terms of the working condition and their relationship as servant and
boss. The servant can leave anytime as may have been provided in their agreed
terms. In some ways we are servants of God in this sense. God has called us to
serve Him, and we must respond to Him gladly, lovingly and willingly. We are His servants because we
serve Him.
Jesus exemplified servant-hood. He said, “- - the Son of man did
not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
(Mt. 20:28). His ultimate service was His death on the cross to save us. So
Christ is the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. And He enjoins us to serve. After
washing His disciples’ feet to serve them He told them that they should also do
the same (Jn 13:14-17).
When Jesus said that the disciples were His
friends He did not remove the idea of their serving Him (Jn. 15:14-15). He just
put a deeper meaning into their relationship to Him. They were to serve Him as their
Lord and friend throughout their remaining lives.
As God’s children we must serve Him. “Serve
the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling (Ps. 2:11). “Serve the Lord with
gladness (Ps. 100:2). In heaven God’s people shall serve Him day and night in
His temple (Rev. 7:15). We serve God in three areas:
First, we must
serve in His kingdom work. We must serve to extend His kingdom in the whole
world by preaching and teaching His word, financially supporting the work of
the church, giving our time and talents for various tasks, etc. We must live as
good Christian examples so people may be persuaded to believe and follow
Second, we must serve those who are suffering and destitute.
This is the meaning of the Parable of the Last Judgment (Mt. 25:31-46). We must
serve the hungry, the sick, the homeless, the strangers and others who are in
need. When we do these we are also serving God (Mt. 25:40).
Third, we also serve in and through our
ordinary vocations and work. The doctor serves the sick. The teacher serves the
students. The farmer serves to provide food for people. They do these not only
to earn their living but to serve people. In any work we do we can serve
people. And serving people is also serving God. Thus, we should always serve in
the spirit of love.
Father God, we thank you for the opportunity to serve. Help us that
in our serving you and the people we may give our best. For your honor and
glory, and In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
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