Sunday, September 24, 2017

Following the Living Christ

by: Pastor Jose V. Velasco, Jr. 
Read: John 21:18-22

   Twice in our Bible text Jesus tells Peter to follow Him (19, 22). Jesus called His first disciples to follow Him. He said to Simon Peter and Andrew, his brother, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mt. 4:19).  Another day Jesus saw Matthew at a tax collector’s booth, He called him saying, “Follow me” (Mt. 9:9). Today. He still calls us to follow Him.

   Note that He does not call us to walk side-by-side with Him. This could imply a 50/50 sharing in power and authority in our life with Him. It is a 50/50 sharing in setting the rules for our life together with Him. So we obey Him 50 percent, and He also obeys us 50 percent. No. When we follow Him we have to deny ourselves and give Him full control. He says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself. .” (Mt. 16:24).  We must deny all our desires for partial control. He provides all the rules and we only have to follow or obey.  Neither are we to walk before Him leading the way. No, He leads the way and we follow. The trouble with many Christians is they want to lead the way and Jesus must follow.  

   What does it mean to follow Christ? How can we follow Him if He has already gone to heaven and we cannot see Him anymore? First, as our topic says we are following the living Christ, not a dead Lord. He has gone to heaven but He also promised His abiding presence. “And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28:20). Second, to follow Him is to posses His spirit, mind and character (Phil. 2:5; Rom. 8:29; 1 Jn. 2:6). It is to live a Christ-like life. Now, we cannot follow something that we do not know. Hence, we must take time to know Christ’s life and teachings. This needs reading our Bibles, attending Bible studies and worshiping where Christ and His words are taught. But we do not get acquainted with Jesus alone in academic study about Him. We get to know Him in our personal intimate daily walk with Him: through constant prayer, meditating on His life and words, and worship. As we live intimately with Him moment by moment He imbues us with His spirit and mind and, through the work of His Holy Spirit in us, impacts us to become like Him. Spiritual formation is God’s work.

   Following Him could involve suffering and even death. Jesus said that a servant is not above his master, nor a student above his teacher. If Jesus was persecuted His followers shall also be persecuted (Mt. 10:24). From early times Christians have been persecuted. Today, in Iran Saeed Abedini , 40, has been in prison for more than two years now, in spite of his poor health, just because he is a Christian and a pastor. In Nigeria Christians are horribly abducted, killed and persecuted for their faith in Christ by Boko Haram and Muslim extremists. In both Canada and US there is a slow move to restrict the freedom of Christians and other religious groups to freely practice their faith in public. Prayers and Bible readings in schools and in public places are no longer allowed. In many places the display of religious signs like the Ten Commandments, the cross and the Lord’s Prayer is banned. And governments are caving in. If this gets worse eventually Christians may have to go to jail for openly practicing their faith. Jesus warned His disciples that to follow Him involves a price (Lk. 14:28f). If we are to be faithful to Him we must be willing to pay that price. Anyway, we are not alone to bear the price. God will empower us to carry our crosses in following Him (Eph. 3:16; Phil. 4:13). And we shall overcome.

  Lord, may we hear your call to follow you. Strengthen and embolden us that come what may we would follow faithfully until the end. In Jesus’ blessed name. Amen.

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